Terms and Condition

  • The company reserves the right to vary the service in any way whatsoever without any liability to the passenger.
  • The company is not a common carrier and reserves the right to refuse to carry any passenger or goods without assigning reason therefore.
  • The passenger shall not take onto the vessel or include in his luggage any explosives, volatile spirits, corrosives, any easily ignitable articles or offensive thing likely to cause inconvenience to other passengers or anything likely to endanger the vessel, other passengers or goods.
  • The company accepts no responsibility for loss, damage or injury to luggage or loss damage or injury to t the passenger arising out of or in any way incidental or connected to the service or the accommodation of the passenger or the transfer of any luggage between the vehicle and/or the vessel and/or any place of accommodation whether such loss, damage or injury may be due or alleged to be due to negligence or misconduct on the part of the company, it's servants or agents or otherwise howsoever.
  • The passenger shall comply with the instructions of the company's servants and agents concerning all matters connected with the service and shall comply with any notice exhibited on the vessel.
  • The passenger whilst on the vessel shall not consume any intoxicating beverage unless it has been sold or otherwise supplied to him on board by servants of the company.
  • The company shall not be liable for any loss, damage or injury which may arise or be alleged to arise in the event of cancellation of the service or the abandonment of the service during the course thereof (should the company or any of its servants or agents in their absolute discretion decide that such abandonment is necessary) or of any deviation or delay in the service arising from any cause whatsoever. In any such event the company shall not be liable in any way for the cost of any accommodation or for any alternative means of travel which may arise and additional expense so arising shall be the sole liability and responsibility of the passenger.
  • The company may arrange for any person undertake the service hereby contracted and for any part thereof and such person or his service or agents shall be untitled to the benefit of these conditions to the same extend of the company as if such person were a party to this contract.
  • The company reserves the right, in the event of a ticket or booking being cancelled by the passenger, to charge cancellation fee in accordance with the company's current scale of refunds.
  • This contract is subject to and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Indonesia and the passenger agrees to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the laws of that country.
  • No condition of carriage other than set out on this page will be recognised. This contract may only be varied by agreement in writing between the company and the passenger. Verbal promise by booking agents or clients will not be recognised by the company.
  • PAYMENT METHOD: Cash on the day of departure
  • DEPOSIT: For the group booking (min 4 pax), 50% from total.Booking max. 1 week before departure
  • CANCELLATION: 25 % charge for cancellations made > 5 days prior and 50 % charge for cancellations made < 5 days prior to arrival
  • NO-SHOW : 100% charge
  • CHECK OUT : 12.00 noon
  • CHECK IN : 14.00 noon

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